6. Will - Responsibility

       Will is a mysterious quality. The common understanding of this term refers to personal features such as determination, endurance and strength of conviction etc. However there is another form of will for which there is no common understanding, and thus no adequate words. Some words, nonetheless can indicate the direction; such as luck or grace. Also when people refer to the "power of positive thinking", the friendship of the gods, or good karma.

       Both aspects are of significance. The first involves the cohesive power of the personality. The second is more like a friendship, and ultimately is the by-product of alignment. Typically it is produced through depth, but only fully evolves with integrity.

       This distinction is important. Will is a common downfall of aspirants. The extraordinary experience of command, generated through the appearance of will, all too often blinds highly evolved beings from the clear recognition of their ultimate and complete dependence. It is a very potent seductive illusion, from which we all must awaken.

       Yet will must be developed. Without it we are leaves in the wind - any wind, and thus far from any true connection to our being.

       The process of development of will is not straightforward. There are ample examples of people who have acquired it by all sorts of devious, capricious or horrifying means. Best to ignore these, and do it the hard way.

       We begin with responsibility. Through responsibility we store power in our decisions. This is cumulative. Never fall victim to the insanity that we have free will, choice, the ability to decide direction. We acquiesce - always - with forces outside us, and then childishly arrogate to ourselves the image of control.

       We cannot change the order of command, but we can learn to see it through. What you say you'll do - DO IT! Every time we do not complete the task we set ourselves, we weaken. This is what is meant by accepting responsibility - for our words, our actions, our paths. Also for our awareness and our presence, but this needs first to be fostered - a later subject. Accepting responsibility entails giving up the indulgence of regrets, of self-recriminations, or blame - of ourselves and others. If mistakes are made or the wrong road taken - then change, don't dwell on missed opportunities: time is too short for that. I am not suggesting we absolve ourselves from the obligation of self-examination and reflection - just leave out bitterness and self-pity. Accepting our fate is one of the first steps toward entering our destiny.  Now this requires a sensible pattern of behaviour to be crystallised into our character.

       First, a position of uncompromising potency must be hung up on the wall, as a reference point. This position states: back up every decision with your life. That means, only death will prevent (or excuse) me from doing what I say I'll do. Only death can release me from my task. The other side states: I will not do anything, unless I am prepared to die in doing it.

       A common example of what not to do: we naturally attempt to be friendly and pleasant by not saying no - we agree to do something for the sake of polite friendship.  At the time our intentions are good, we are just responding to the mood of the moment, as we lightly agree to some activity, be it attending a party, delivering some small thing etc. It is a gesture of good will - not a situation that calls for a 'hand on chest' holy vow. Or so we feel. Later, other unforeseen commitments make it too awkward to complete - "they'll understand", "it's not that important", "that's just the way life goes". That's the way death comes. You must reach the point where making death stand and wait is easy - but your decisions can never be stalled, their sovereignty becomes absolute.

       Second, set yourself deliberate tasks under these conditions. Make these tasks small and preferably meaningless. There is a marked enjoyment in this exercise. This is very important - a standard alone is not sufficient to incubate will - application is everything: action!, never forget it is always through action that anything enduring is achieved; except of course, from a central position.

       Third, introduce pragmatism. Some decisions we make, or have made in life, are plainly wrong and stupid. To persevere in them would only weaken and destroy us. Recognise that in pulling out we behave correctly, but there is a price to pay. If we make too many mistakes like this we may never recover. Here we attempt to salvage the situation by what is termed 'changing our decision'. This means seeing the essence of our intention, and redirecting it. Thus only the means are compromised - where we can see there was a germ of pure motive behind the original stance. If even this cannot be done, then for God's sake, never be so stupid again.

       The other form of pragmatism is to attach the term "maybe" to those decisions that are necessary yet doggy. But I warn you, only use it when absolutely necessary, for it can quickly destroy us, as can the practice of compromising pragmatism itself.

       Here as always, balance is required to develop a broad, strong and gentle will, capable of explosive and devastating decisiveness - which can be placed at the service of our primary commitment.


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